God is Trinity. So What? (Part 6: Conclusion)

History has produced reams of books attempting to explain the doctrine of the Trinity. It is a difficult doctrine to grasp, because it endeavours to describe the infinite God in finite terms. Our efforts will be weak at best. That being said, Scripture demonstrates that God has revealed himself to us (through who he is … More God is Trinity. So What? (Part 6: Conclusion)

God is Trinity. So What? (Part 5: Does it Even Matter?)

Does the fact that God is Trinity even matter? Does it make any difference to the day-to-day walk of a follower of Christ? Yes! The doctrine of the Trinity has some very practical consequences. How we understand God as Trinity affects three important areas of life. It Changes How We Relate to God Because the … More God is Trinity. So What? (Part 5: Does it Even Matter?)

God is Trinity. So What? (Part 4: Common Misunderstandings)

Mistakes and Misunderstandings Understandably and unfortunately, in the attempt to wrap our finite minds around the thought of an infinite God, we often “reduce” God (or at least our explanation of him) to concrete terms and inert systems.  We forget that God is not an object to be explained, but a relational Person to be … More God is Trinity. So What? (Part 4: Common Misunderstandings)

God is Trinity. So What? (Part 3: Summarizing the Doctrine)

In Part 3 of this series on why the fact that God is Trinity is important for our daily walk, we explore the doctrine itself. Bear in mind, though, that we are weakly using finite words to describe an infinite God. That being said, a few statements about the nature of the Trinity can shed … More God is Trinity. So What? (Part 3: Summarizing the Doctrine)

God is Trinity. So What? (Part 2: A Brief History)

What is Doctrine and Do I Need it? “Doctrine” is simply the church’s attempt to organize its understanding of God’s revelation of himself. Good doctrine is important, because whether we can articulate it or not, what we believe about God is our theology, and our theology determines how we relate to and interact with him. However, … More God is Trinity. So What? (Part 2: A Brief History)